This is the Victorian Neck Cozy by Wendy Johnson - and it's a free pattern on her website - www.wendyknits.com
Yarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts - Socks That Rock Mediumweight in Grimm's Willow Wren
Needle: Size 3 addi's
Mods: Used size 3's as the pattern is written for sportweight yarn and I used a sock yarn. Otherwise, no mods!
Notes: First time doing a knitted border - once I wrapped my head around it, it was pretty easy, the pattern is well written and the charts are clear. Wendy has *great* patterns!

I also did some shopping at the Loopy Ewe - a friend was kind enough to give me a gift certificate and I just went a little *crazy* ;) From top to bottom: Cascade Handpaints in Dark Sunset, Duets Skinny in Plum Marmalade, The Sanguine Gryphone in Clotho, and Bellamoden in Red Badge of Courage.

Also this week I got Cookie A.'s new book - Sock Innovation and cast on for Glynis using Shibui Sock in the Jewel colorway. First sock finished minutes ago - 2 days for 1 sock, hello MOJO! This is a very nice book with a huge techniques section, beautiful pictures and new patterns. I have had a bit of trouble with the glynis chart - but honestly it most likely is a problem between book and user! I made it work however and the sock looks great - must go now and cast on for the second one!
Woo hoo! The neckwarmer is gorgeous in GWW. And the sock! Holy 2 day sock batman! Well done. I need to get my copy bound first and then I might dive into one of the patterns. =)
OMG that Victorian Neck cozy is SUPER awesome. Dayum.
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