Wednesday, October 17, 2007

no picture on purpose

OK - for this Wednesday's WIP, I bring you a SUPER SEKRIT project. Which basically means I can't really tell you much about it - except that I am working on it and it's more than half-way done.

Knitted Things 078

So I'll leave you with this photo of a quilt I made.... yes, I'm crafty :)

It's called 'Puss in the Corner' and the pattern is from the book 'Quilts from The Quiltmaker's Gift'**. It's the first quilt I actually finished (we shall not speak of the other two quilts I started and abandoned), it's my everyday quilt and the colors make me happy! The blue on the quilt also inspired me to paint my bedroom the same color - I get lots of natural daylight in my room, so it's not dark at all!

**'The Quiltmakers Gift' is a beautifully illustrated children's book with a fantastic moral and great illustrations - there are 2 companion books with the quilt patterns - you can do a search on Amazon for them - and it looks like theres even more books now!


turtlegirl76 said...

Oooh lookit miss crafty go! Cool quilt.

The Chickengoddess said...

Pretty quilt! Glad to see you out here in the blogosphere!

Trillian42 said...

Oh - The Quiltmaker's Gift is one of my favorite books! I should track down the pattern books just in case I ever decide to do some actual quilting. Yours is pretty!