Well, it was kind of a crazy weekend that started pretty early for me. Usually my work week is Wednesday through Saturday, but last week I took off beginning on Thursday evening to go to SAFF with Aimee and mom. We all met at Aimee's house Thursday evening, in preparation for the drive to Asheville on Friday. This is how it started...

me and mom snuggling yarn at aimee's early friday morning.
Friday morning it was POURING in Charlotte... and I have no pictures to prove this, you'll just have to take my word for it. We drove up to Asheville which, because of the rain, took forever, but once we crossed over the mountain it cleared up and became a beautiful day.
We couldn't check in to the Holiday Inn because our room wasn't ready yet - so we decided to go over to SAFF, which was just down the street, across from the Asheville Airport. (Here is the disclaimer - if I was a better blogger, I'd have more pictures, but I kept forgetting I had a camera!)... We had a great time! There were so many great things to see (and buy!)... and here's the proof:

Now, for those of you who might know me well enough - you might say to yourself "Why Olivia, if I didn't know any better, I'd say there were several BAGS of fiber and roving in the back of the picture.... I didn't know you were a spinner!" to which I would reply "That used to be true!"

The Evidence.
This is the plying head of a Lendrum - I don't actually have a picture of my wheel, which I wasted NO time in purchasing on Friday! She's still in the box - fresh out of the car. But here's some proof:

First handspun!
The right-side one has been plyed, the balls on the left, well, there was a small accident and we won't speak of it here.
That's it for now... I'll post some more later on, as I feel like I've been rambling on a bit...
I had a great weekend! It was fantastic to see you again! Your mom is so sweet too. =)
It was a fun weekend! So glad to have met you and your Mom!!
It's a good thing I'm moving in a month. Otherwise, you'd totally make me into a spinner. Whew! Close escape!
Except that I'm moving to Vermont, land of sheep. So anything can happen. Crappity.
It was great meeting you. Congrats on the wheel!
You're brave to post of photo of your excess. Guess I need to go upload a photo of mine. Thanks for keeping me honest. ;)
I didn't know you bought a wheel! Squee! Your first handspun is already looking awesome, too. I want to have a spinning day at Knitch in a few weeks..
Looks like fun to me!
It was great to meet you and your mom! Good luck with the new wheel -I'll bet it turns out to be a lot of fun.
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