Anyone want to sage my house??
But on the other hand.... my mom sent me some "thinking of you socks" for all my troubles last week... I don't have a picture yet, but hopefully tomorrow, I'll get one... or maybe two and post them.
On the other hand... or perhaps foot... I do have a FO for you...

Pattern: Ampersand
Yarn: Socks that Rock - mediumweight in Eggplanted for a shop sample for KNITCH!
Magic Loop on Addi size 3's.
Offhand I can't remember anything else, I may have to check my notes. It was a super quick knit and an easy pattern - I may have to make a pair for me someday.
OK - now I'm done.... must off to bed - there's work to go to tomorrow.
WTF!!! Poor L! At least she doesn't HAVE to come upstairs much - unless she wants food.
You are in a play about Zombies? That's awesome!! Love the socks too! :)
You write very well.
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