I'd call it something different and clever but that is what it is and that's all I got right now. I have been doing a whole bunch of knitting - see?

Pattern: Earl Grey by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (free on her blog)
Yarn: Bearfoot by Mountain Colors in the colorway Obsidian
Used approximately 1 full skein for E's large feet!
Notes: Knit for the Lime & Violet Sock Marathon, started a wee bit early on January 30th (official start date is 2/1) and finished up on the 16th of February. I did have to stop knitting on them for about a week to knit on these:

Pattern: Fetchings by Cheryl Niamath (Niamith?) off of Knitty!
Yarn: Shepherd's Wool in Granite purchased at Knitch
Used: 87 yards total
Notes: Knit by request for my friend Beth who is travelling to Prague in a couple of weeks! However, I should have totally asked her if she wanted any modifications - we met and then she asked if it was possible to make them longer! No problem.... the yarn has 250 yards in a skein, so there are plenty of left-overs.... but in the mean-time, I had cast on for these:

Pattern: Marigold Socks - free pattern link on Ravelry (sorry can't remember the designer's name off hand)
Yarn: Araucania Multy color 307
Notes: Toe up (obviously) these are for the fabulous roomie! They have been much delayed, but the picture is of about 2 hours knitting, so I am *hoping* they move pretty quickly and they'll also be tallyed for the marathon when finished.... The knitting has been delayed so I can knit this:

Pattern: Fetching now in extra long! I'm totally making this up as I go along and I can only hope to remember what I've done so far! Beth is leaving out of town in just over a week but I cast these on yesterday and so there you go... she'll have them by Monday I swear!
And now - a sleepy kitty picture to keep you until next time!

Gabriel needed some snuggle time on my lap and he looked so cute I *had* to take a few pictures!